
Ascendancy By Dora Salonikidou

A BDSM novel by the Greek BDSM lifestyler Dora Salonica

Victoria Hamill is an American woman who stumbles upon a secret BDSM society, called “The Ascendancy”. This organization will help Victoria explore her strange desires for erotic self-fulfillment. Her rigorous training, called “reduction”, starts at the Big House, where Victoria is taught respect and obedience, in the hands of a strict German woman. After being “reduced”, the American girl is auctioned and placed in the home of a wealthy British aristocrat. She travels to the North of England, where she joins the Viscount's harem of six girls, under the stringent rule of an African princess. In England, Victoria learns everything there is to know about British discipline.
High protocol, deep knowledge of the submissive personality and great experience in S/M practices, as well as a flowing narration, are among the best qualities of this original BDSM novel.

Victoria Hamill is an American woman who stumbles upon a secret BDSM society, called “The Ascendancy”. This organization will help Victoria explore her strange desires for erotic self-fulfillment. Her rigorous training, called “reduction”, starts at the Big House, where Victoria is taught respect and obedience, in the hands of a strict German woman. After being “reduced”, the American girl is auctioned and placed in the home of a wealthy British aristocrat. She travels to the North of England, where she joins the Viscount's harem of six girls, under the stringent rule of an African princess. In England, Victoria learns everything there is to know about British disciplin.

High protocol, deep knowledge of the submissive personality and great experience in S/M practices, as well as a flowing narration, are among the best qualities of this original BDSM novel.

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A bdsm novel by Dora Salonika aka Dora Salonikidou

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